Basic Rules


Neko Punch has one goal: To create a strong, active, and fun community within ArcheAge. To that end, the following rules must be accepted before an invite into the guild will be sent.

Neko Punch generally follows a global three strikes policy, except for items marked “zero tolerance”. Officers reserve the right to wave this policy as applicable to specific circumstances.

TL;DR? Read the stuff in bold / red.

Basic Code of Conduct

  1. Look for and be open to opportunities to help out. This doesn’t mean you need to spend all your time in ArcheAge doing things for other people, but you should be open to helping your guildies whenever possible.
  2. Trading at a reasonable discount among members is encouraged; begging is not. Please be self reliant instead of asking your guildies for things you need.
  3. We don’t allow purpling (same faction player killing) unless in self-defense or defense of friends.
  4. Guildies come first. If there is ever a conflict, either verbal or involving PvP, guildies should stick together and support each other.
  5. All races, creeds, nationalities, genders, and sexual orientations are welcome. Hate speech against any group or individual will not be tolerated, nor will derogatory slurs. *zero tolerance* In addition, while we encourage joking around and having fun, it should not be at the expense of others. Please be mindful of your words and how they affect others.
  6. Smack talk is a part of any PvP game, but please keep it game-related. Insulting people’s real life physical appearance, habits, or families, suggesting self-harm, threatening physical harm or real-world actions, or any other real life smack-talk is not allowed.
  7. Botting is not allowed. *zero tolerance*
  8. Scamming other players is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion. *zero tolerance*
  9. If you have a problem with another member, please try to work it out together. If necessary, please contact an officer. No badmouthing other members in chat or over Teamspeak. Let’s keep the drama down.
  10. Members are requested to stay up-to-date when new material is postedthe first tab of our guild window (shift-t) is used to keep members updated on important new material.
  11. Please see the guild land use rules prior to using guild land.

Game-Related Requirements

  1. Please keep an eye on guild chat. Talking in Guild Chat and use of TeamSpeak is highly encouraged. This is not only how we foster community, but also how we organize most of our guild events such as trade runs, bosses, dungeon runs, and PvP actions.
  2. Play regularly, join in guild events whenever possible, and follow officer directions. When our officers encourage members to reach a certain goal, understand it will benefit both yourself and the guild as a whole. Players inactive for two weeks consecutively may be kicked (but are welcome to reapply).
  3. If Azelle or an officer gives at least a 30 minute warning for a guild raid, all online members are required to attend unless they are in Mirage Isle (afk). (30 min is enough time to finish trade runs and most dungeons.)
  4. Everyone must participate in at least one Abyssal Attack per week. All members online during Abyssal Attack are required to attend unless they are in Mirage Isle (afk) — this 2nd part may be waved at officer discretion based on raid numbers, but members should neither expect nor rely on this.
  5. Everyone must participate in at least one scheduled guild raid per week, besides Abyssal Attack. (Subject to revision based on overall guild participation.)
  6. Everyone must join in every castle siege. All members online during the siege are required to attend unless they are in Mirage Isle (afk).
  7. Everyone must meet or exceed the new T4 Celestial gear goal (by July 15-30).
  8. Daily completion of Guild Missions is highly, highly encouraged. Leveling our guild gets you prestige and benefits all members. Please see this forum thread for a brief overview!
  9. In order to prevent AFK kills during dominions (which we can initiate even while our own peace treaty is active), members are required to AFK in Mirage Isle only.

The consequence for those unable or unwilling to follow these rules will be: first, a downgrade to membership Tier One. If our roster fills: After a one week period of continued non-compliance, the member will be asked to join Neko Kick instead.

Certain exceptions can be made for members with temporary real life commitments or complications. In those cases, the member will be downgraded to Tier One until the RL issues are resolved. If the issue is expected to persist for a lengthy period and our roster is full, members may be asked to temporarily move to Kick.

Remember, when in doubt, follow Wheaton’s Rule: Don’t be a dick.

Ready to join us? Please fill out our short application form so we can learn a little about you before we send over an invite. We look forward to gaming with you!