Moving Forward Together

Hello, Nekos!

Thanks to the hard work of our members and the overall friendliness of our community, Neko Punch has made a lot of progress very quickly over the past few months and weeks. We’ve achieved level 4 and taken a big chunk out of the XP needed for level 5, we’ve gotten even more members to 55, and members’ gear scores are climbing. Our most immediate goals of running more high-end dungeons and participating more successfully in open-world PvP are in sight. Perhaps most importantly, we’re still seen as one of the most helpful, friendly guilds on the server.

We couldn’t have done this without your help, and I want to say a big “thank you!” to all of you!

Coming Changes to Neko

Looking forward, you may notice the feel of the guild beginning to shift increasingly into high gear. As more and more members reach end-game, the goals we set for ourselves require increased focus and dedication. Most end-game content requires large raids of high-level, well-geared players in order to even attempt. We want our Nekos to have that opportunity.

Towards this end, you will start seeing more “whip cracking” by the officers. Be assured that our only interest is in leading you forward to experience the best high-end content ArcheAge has to offer.

What to Expect

As ever, participation in guild events (PvP raids, XP runs, dungeons, etc) will remain optional. Be aware, however, that if you don’t join us in these goals and events, you may not be eligible to join later content with the guild.

ScreenShot0020In other words, if you opt out of guild events and goals, when we run Serpentis, or hold dominions against other guilds, or take on high-end world bosses, or engage in ocean-based PvP, your requests to join such events may be denied. This is not a personal slight, or an elitist mentality; it is simply a limitation imposed by the mechanics of the game. If you aren’t ready, you will lower the chances of success for the entire raid, often significantly.

In addition, if you opt out of our current push to prepare for this content, it will be harder to catch up in the future when our guild goals have surpassed this point. You will probably find yourself able to participate in fewer guild events over time.

Because those who are ready need more strong players to do content with, and because we don’t want you to miss out and get left behind, you’ll see the officers haranguing and cajoling people to join in guild events. It benefits everyone to make a strong push, so that’s what we’re going to do.

Getting Ready for High End Content

If you do plan to participate in any high-level guild actions, the following things will be required of you:

  1. Those below level 55 must make efforts to join our daily XP runs in order to reach max level as soon as possible. (Goal: All our level 40+ people to 55 by the end of January.) Officers will make every effort to make these runs as quick and convenient as possible, including proving free teleports to and from the location.
  2. You must read everything on the required reading list (and re-check if informed by an officer if the list or items in it have been updated), found here.
  3. You must actively work towards improving your gear score to the guild’s current goal. (Goal: 3.5k GS by the end of January.)
  4. You must use TeamSpeak when requested. It’s free, and you won’t be required to speak, only to listen. Communication through typing is simply not practical during certain dungeons or PvP actions, when information must be distributed quickly and while moving. Be assured, the same rules of respectful communication apply to voice chat as to guild chat. Our TS is a very nice place to be!
  5. You must watch guild chat and raid chat. We organize everything from trade runs to PvP to dungeon crawls through guild chat, and we also use it to call for help. Raid chat is also essential during actions, even when TS is in use. Please pay special attention to the Command Channel within raid chat.

Also of note: We no longer accept new applicants below level 40, unless they are an alt or friend of an existing member. Depending on our success in this new direction, this level restriction may further increase in the future.

Finally, although we don’t consider ourselves a truly hard-core guild, we’re going to change the “relaxed” tagline in our guild recruitment to “friendly but focused” so as not to misrepresent our intentions.

Neko Will Always Be Neko

I want to emphasize that Neko’s primary goals are still to have fun and to be helpful and friendly, and any new recruits or existing members will be valued based on these traits far above any gear score or pro PvP strats.

However, neither do we want to sit still when there is still so much ArcheAge content to explore! I believe we can preserve the spirit of Neko without limiting ourselves to “easy” content.

What do you say, Nekos? Shall we show the server that kindness and kick a** aren’t mutually exclusive?

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