February: For Gear & Glory

Hello, Nekos!

2.5 has dropped and we can’t wait to get into all the new stuff together!

Last month, we focused on getting the majority of our guild to level 55. Together, we ran the Library and Golden Ruins mob kill daily quests every day. The pre-2.5 double everything event tied in beautifully, allowing us to make a strong final push at the end of the month. Check out our guild roster; not including alts, well over half our guild is over level 50, and most of those are 55!

This Month: Gearing Together

This month, our focus will be gearing up. Rather than running the kill quests every day, we will be focusing on grinding out obsidian mats, running Serpentis for gear drops, and above all, making gold!

To that end, we are going to run a very specific form of bi-weekly trade runs together as a guild. Participants will receive a direct cut of the profits, as well as gear purchased from the guild treasury and distributed to members. Read below for how these will work, or simply listen to officer instructions.

Here’s how the trade runs will work:
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  • The guild will purchase enough materials to cover the mansion grounds. Officers will bind the seeds into bundles and plant them.
  • Members will harvest the crops. When the crops are ready for harvest, a guild call will go out, asking everyone available to come and donate their labor to the harvest. Ideally, everyone will harvest an equal number of bundles. The full cost of harvesting will be almost 2,000 labor, so we really need your participation to make this work!
  • Members will process the raw goods, with Blue Salt Knives provided by the officers.
  • Members will craft the packs, with quality certificates provided by the officers.
  • The guild will hauler train to the turn-in location, where the officer(s) will turn in the packs.
  • When the 80% turn-in money comes in, Azelle will consolidate it in the guild treasury. Members will keep the 20% crafter-fee as thanks for their labor and time.

Where Will This Money Go?

The gold will be distributed to our members in accordance with the following goals:

  • Officer: 5k Gear Score, minimum Celestial buff, minimum Divine weapon
  • Senpai: 4k Gear Score, minimum Heroic buff, minimum Celestial weapon
  • Neko: 3k Gear Score, full obsidian (or equivalent)

We want our gold to go to members who will 1) use it and 2) do so in a way that benefits the entire guild community. Therefore, members who participate in more guild events will receive preference over members who do not. This applies to not only the guild trade runs mentioned above, but all guild events, from PvP to dungeon crawls. Think of it as a highly informal DKP system.

New Rank: Senpai

We are going to begin utilizing our second tier rank, Senpai (meaning “upper-classman”). Senpai will be above tier one Nekos but below Officers (aka Sensei) in both authority and responsibility.

Senpai will be expected to:

  • Form raids according to immediate needs of fellow guildies (officers have first say in raid formation, and should be given raid lead if they join)
  • Spring to the aid of members in need of assistance
  • Guide less experienced / newbie members in the ways of Archeage by helping with quests, dungeons, and questions about gearing / speccing
  • Participate in as many guild events as they reasonably can manage
  • Take any diplomacy or member issues / problems to an Officer

Senpai will not have the same level of authority as Officers, and should always elevate matters of guild diplomacy or member problems to the Officer level. In addition, they should yield raid lead to Officers when one is present in the raid.

Senpai will be chosen based on the following:
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  • Time in guild: one month minimum
  • Gear score: 3k minimum
  • Leadership: both willing and able to lead raids
  • Guild action activity level: present at a majority of guild actions (dungeons, PvP, trade runs, etc)
  • Demonstrable guild XP contribution, measured by accumulated prestige or prestige items
  • Ability to follow instructions of officers
  • Ownership of a clipper, required to respond to ocean-based calls for help

Because they have proven themselves committed to both Archeage and the guild, our new Senpai will be experiencing the most help from this month’s gearing push. Both Officers and 1st tier Neko will be expected to work a little harder on their own to reach the stated goals. But don’t worry; promotions to the rank of Senpai will be open all month, and anyone demonstrating the above qualities over that period may be contacted for promotion!

New Month, New Goals

Please keep in mind that, just as last month’s leveling push was temporary, this month’s gearing push is not a permanent state. Our goal here is to gear up so we can do more higher-tier content together without having to lean on friends and allies.

Many of our members are ready for top-tier content and have been waiting patiently for the guild to catch up. Let’s not disappoint them. In true Neko spirit, let’s come together for our members as not only a friendly community, but one strong enough to experience the best Archeage has to offer.

One Last Thing

Are you ready for this? Feeling some gearing up HYPE? Great! In order to participate, you need to tell us what you want! Head over here to tell us what kind of gear you’d like to earn: Gear Wishlist

Gearing up HYPE!

Shortlink: j.mp/gearpush
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